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You may still suffer injury at your low-risk job

by | Aug 9, 2017 | Blog, Firm News

Your workplace injury may have been obvious, such as a fall, cut or burn. On the other hand, maybe you woke up one morning with such pain in your hands or back that it was difficult to get yourself ready for work. It may have even taken you a while to realize the pain was from something that happened on the job.

Workplace injuries affect nearly 3 million people a year, and not all of these take place at construction sites or manufacturing plants. In fact, someone working in an office may be just as likely to suffer an injury as someone welding I-beams 29 stories off the ground.

Strains and falls

No one wants to get hurt on the job. Workplace injuries often mean lost work, frustrating medical appointments and tedious physical therapy. When your occupation places you at risk for certain injuries, it is likely that your supervisor provides safety training to help you avoid such accidents. For example, one of the most common workplace injuries results from overexertion. This may occur when you sprain or strain a muscle from some non-impact activity. Anyone in any industry is at risk of such an injury from efforts such as:

  • Lifting
  • Carrying
  • Pushing
  • Twisting
  • Pulling

When you attempt to lift or push an object that is too heavy, or you twist your body in an unnatural way, you are susceptible to an overexertion injury.

You don’t have to work as a roofer to be at risk of a fall. Wet surfaces, uneven floors, torn carpet and cluttered walkways are all common contributors to workplace falls. Falling may result in just a bruise or bump. However, you may strike your head on the floor or another object as you fall, and this may result in a traumatic brain injury. Falls also cause back injuries and broken bones.

The injury that’s not an accident

That pain you felt in your hands when you woke up may not be a cut or broken bone. You may be suffering from a repetitive motion injury. This type of injury is becoming more common as people use computers and other technology on the job. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one repetitive motion injury that causes stiffness, pain and numbness in the hands and arms from spending hours at a keyboard. However, you may have pain in your shoulder, knees, elbows or hips from repeating the same motions at your job.

Taking steps to prevent these injuries is always best, but once you are injured, you may have more struggles ahead. While it is clear to you that your injury is work related, you may have some difficulty convincing your employer or jumping through the hoops required to obtain the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve. Fortunately, you can always seek the assistance of a Georgia attorney who will guide you through the process and carry the load for you.

