Getting into the right college can make a major difference for a young adult's future. Their enrollment can lead to both networking opportunities and a degree that may help them later achieve career success. Unfortunately, it takes multiple years to secure a degree,...
Helping You Move Forward After An Accident Or Arrest
College Student Criminal Defense
Underage drunk driving and your child’s college career
As a parent of a child who attends the University of West Georgia, you have tried to instill positive values and to teach your child that actions have consequences. You knew that there would be influences that could impact your child’s decisions at school, but you...
A shocking number of college students abuse study drugs
College classes require a lot more commitment and studying than high school classes do. Students can find themselves struggling to keep up with the heavier workload and higher expectations during their university years. Some students will do anything to give...
Can you get a DUI for riding your bike?
You don’t own a car, so you just ride your bike from the dorms to an off-campus apartment. You have a few drinks with friends and then, as the party winds down, you head back to the dorms on your bike. Can you still get a DUI if the police pull you over for riding...
Can you get kicked out of a Georgia college for assault charges?
When you enter a college, you commit to furthering your education. At the same time, you may assume that what you do when not in class is your business and no one else’s. Unfortunately, many colleges in Georgia take an interest in all your activities, even those...
Can college security officers arrest you?
Many colleges employ security guards to help govern the actions of students who live on campus. But how much power do they have? Say you’re accused by your RA of drinking in your dorm. The RA calls the security officer. You just stay in your dorm, insisting that...
How to confront your child about their drug problem
As a parent, you will want to protect your child from harm no matter what. When they were younger, you'll likely have had high hopes for your child, and dreamed of the day that they'd make you proud by being accepted at a good college. While you may now be proud of...
Don’t let peer pressure lead to criminal charges
Many college students who wind up facing criminal charges express a level of regret not just that they broke the law, but that they allowed someone else to convince them to do so. They gave in to peer pressure, and now they’re worried about how it is going to impact...
What you need to know about searches and seizures
Georgia is much like any other state in that many drug charges result from a relatively minor traffic stop. A police officer might smell or see something suspicious in the detained motorist's car or notice that a driver is unusually anxious so the officer asks to...
Why no two people are affected by alcohol exactly the same way
When kids go away to college, they may be exposed to an environment of alcohol consumption unlike anything they’ve experienced before. Away from parental supervision — and wanting to make friends and fit in — college students often overindulge. For young people who...