When you enter a college, you commit to furthering your education. At the same time, you may assume that what you do when not in class is your business and no one else’s. Unfortunately, many colleges in Georgia take an interest in all your activities, even those...
Helping You Move Forward After An Accident Or Arrest
Month: April 2021
Can college security officers arrest you?
Many colleges employ security guards to help govern the actions of students who live on campus. But how much power do they have? Say you’re accused by your RA of drinking in your dorm. The RA calls the security officer. You just stay in your dorm, insisting that...
How to confront your child about their drug problem
As a parent, you will want to protect your child from harm no matter what. When they were younger, you'll likely have had high hopes for your child, and dreamed of the day that they'd make you proud by being accepted at a good college. While you may now be proud of...
Don’t let peer pressure lead to criminal charges
Many college students who wind up facing criminal charges express a level of regret not just that they broke the law, but that they allowed someone else to convince them to do so. They gave in to peer pressure, and now they’re worried about how it is going to impact...