The more frequently you drink, the greater the risk you have for eventually getting into legal trouble, especially if you often drive yourself home after having a few drinks. If alcohol plays an important role in your social life, you may have already taken steps to...
Helping You Move Forward After An Accident Or Arrest
Month: June 2020
Assuming sleep will sober you up can lead to drunk driving
When someone has too much to drink, the first advice that people often give is to let that person sleep it off and hopefully sober up by the morning. It is true that sleep allows your body time to heal itself and can give your liver a chance to metabolize alcohol you...
College party fights fueled by drinking can lead to charges
You probably didn't expect that cheering for your school's team would result in criminal charges when you headed out with your friends. Maybe you got tickets and went tailgating to watch the big game in person. Perhaps you got reservations at a local sports bar and...
If your child is facing charges, you need to defend them
Your teen is young, so you know that they’re still going to make mistakes. What you weren’t expecting was for him to be accused of assaulting a fellow student in his dormitory. You don’t believe that he did, but the other student already filed charges. It’s important...