If you are accused of driving while intoxicated when you’re in college, you may face a college DUI. It’s necessary to fight that DUI, because a DUI can have lasting consequences. It could affect your school loans, scholarships, work, career prospects and more. If you...
Helping You Move Forward After An Accident Or Arrest
Year: 2020
Can you record your roommate in Georgia without their consent?
There’s no nice way to say it: Your roommate is a nightmare. They steal your food, use your shampoo, “borrow” your stuff without asking and refuse to clean up after themselves. Worse, when confronted with the issues, they lie and claim that someone else in your dorm...
States with the biggest party schools: Where does Georgia rank?
College is a time for learning, forming the basis of a future career, meeting new people and discovering yourself. For many students, though, it’s also a time to socialize and attend parties, gatherings and events. As a parent, you know that your young student may be...
Georgia college students: You can defend against possession charges
College students face a lot of pressure as they work to improve their education. Sometimes, the pressure gets to be too much and may affect a person’s decision-making skills. Succumbing to the lure of study drugs (or others) is one bad decision that can impact your...
College students, don’t drink and drive
As a college student, there will be times when you want to kick back, relax and have a drink with friends. While this is okay if you’re of legal drinking age, it’s also something that can bring trouble to your life. Drinking and driving is a big risk. Not only can it...
How to avoid losing your cool before you end up in trouble
You’re young, and you have a lot of passion about the events going on in the world right now, so it’s hard not to engage someone when they start spewing nonsense right to your face. Whether it’s that one guy in the dorms who thinks he knows everything or someone...
You can fight false allegations, and you should
You took a new date out for dinner last night, and you thought everything went great. You have your own rule that you won’t let a date come back to your home, and you won’t go to theirs, on a first date. You want to make sure you’re both comfortable with each other to...
What percentage of students binge drink underage in Georgia?
You’ve seen the movies, and you’ve been to college. Even before your child left, you knew about the reputation colleges have for underage drinking and binge drinking. But, now that you’re a parent, maybe you want to dig a little deeper into what the statistics say....
What should you do if you’re a student who is under arrest?
As a student who is under arrest, it is important that you understand the steps you should take next. If you don’t have any understanding of your rights, then you could say or do something that negatively affects your future. Students who commit crimes, whether...
Buying a classmate’s ADHD medication can land you in legal trouble
Whether you have a major exam coming up or a project that will constitute a significant amount of your grade, you may need to do a lot of intensive academic work in a short amount of time as part of your college education. Some people who struggle with procrastination...