College is a place where you should feel comfortable and safe. Unfortunately, that’s not always going to be the case. Students come from all over the world, so it’s not uncommon for people to experience conflicts over culture, personality, personal habits and more....
Helping You Move Forward After An Accident Or Arrest
Year: 2020
Hate crimes can cause problems for college students
Colleges are a melting pot of individuals who come from a variety of backgrounds, so it’s imperative that everyone on the campus respects everyone else. When an accusation of harassment or bullying occurs and the victim belongs to a specific class of people, these...
DUI and college students: A conviction is a big deal
Driving under the influence of alcohol is a mistake no one wants to make. However, it’s something that many people, such as college students, fall prey to at some point in their life. Even though a DUI arrest is every bit as scary as it sounds, it’s not the end of...
Marijuana charges are a serious matter for Georgia students
Bill Clinton said he did it but didn’t inhale. Kamala Harris said she did it and definitely did inhale. What are we talking about? It's all about smoking marijuana at college. Literature and the movies are full of college students who smoke hashish. Your mom and dad...
Retail theft can lead to several criminal charges
Living the life of a college student means that things are sometimes tight financially since college is pretty expensive. Many young adults will wait patiently to get the things they need, and some have a strong support system that will help provide those....
How common is theft in dorms?
College dorms are often a bit like the Wild West. You have a bunch of young adults all living in the same space, perhaps having never lived on their own before. They have mild supervision in the form of RAs and others but not as much as they had living at home with...
Can too much alcohol be a defense against assault charges?
You can feel instant remorse for mistakes you made while under the influence of alcohol once you sober up. For example, if you got into a fistfight at a party or a bar, you could find yourself in a scenario where you face assault charges. In fact, you can be charged...
Don’t put too much faith in a personal or public breath test
The more frequently you drink, the greater the risk you have for eventually getting into legal trouble, especially if you often drive yourself home after having a few drinks. If alcohol plays an important role in your social life, you may have already taken steps to...
Assuming sleep will sober you up can lead to drunk driving
When someone has too much to drink, the first advice that people often give is to let that person sleep it off and hopefully sober up by the morning. It is true that sleep allows your body time to heal itself and can give your liver a chance to metabolize alcohol you...
College party fights fueled by drinking can lead to charges
You probably didn't expect that cheering for your school's team would result in criminal charges when you headed out with your friends. Maybe you got tickets and went tailgating to watch the big game in person. Perhaps you got reservations at a local sports bar and...