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Can you get kicked out of a Georgia college for assault charges?

| Apr 30, 2021 | College Student Criminal Defense

When you enter a college, you commit to furthering your education. At the same time, you may assume that what you do when not in class is your business and no one else’s. 

Unfortunately, many colleges in Georgia take an interest in all your activities, even those conducted during your private time. A conviction on assault charges could result in your college kicking you out of school.

What happens to students involved in an assault?

In most cases, the college student will face an arrest on assault or battery charges or both. Local law enforcement will not treat you any differently because of your status as a student. The penalties you may face if convicted of violating one of Georgia’s assault and battery laws may be harsh. 

For example, a conviction on aggravated assault charges involving no weapons means serving from five to 20 years in prison. When weapons are involved, a judge can impose a 10 to 20 years prison sentence. Avoiding a conviction on an assault charge should be your goal.

However, even just an arrest without conviction can compromise your college education. Georgia College, for example, states in its student handbook that frequent off-campus arrests may lead the school to impose judicial charges. This likely means that they will suspend you as a student there. It is safe to assume that other colleges near Carrollton impose similar punishments for poor conduct.

What should I do as a college student under arrest?

The first step you should take after your arrest is to seek representation from a legal advocate with experience protecting college students from conviction. You and your attorney can begin creating a defense immediately by you taking this step right away. Taking this step may allow you to avoid facing severe assault charges altogether or to work out a plea deal with prosecutors.

