When kids go away to college, they may be exposed to an environment of alcohol consumption unlike anything they’ve experienced before. Away from parental supervision — and wanting to make friends and fit in — college students often overindulge. For young people who...
Helping You Move Forward After An Accident Or Arrest
College Student Criminal Defense
Is taking drugs at college “just a bit of fun?”
Drugs are common in colleges. A recent study found that 45% of all college students took illegal substances, and many students (and their parents) might consider a little experimentation with drugs at college a rite of passage. However, the state of Georgia does not...
What’s constructive possession of drugs?
You didn’t pick your college roommates. You basically ended up housed with a group of strangers -- and one of them, at least, seems a wee bit shady. It isn’t until the police show up with a warrant to search your premises, however, that you realize exactly how shady...
Accused of stealing from your college roommate?
Going to college is the first time in your life that you essentially give a complete stranger access to your assets and possessions. When you share a dorm room, someone you just met on the day you moved in can get to things like your computer, your televisions, your...
What happens with your college enrollment and student aid if you face drug charges?
You likely worked hard to get into the University of West Georgia. You wouldn't want to do anything to put your admission and future career in jeopardy. A conviction on record for a drug offense could put your ability to remain enrolled in college and receive any...
Is expungement of a DUI ever possible in Georgia?
If you are accused of driving while intoxicated when you’re in college, you may face a college DUI. It’s necessary to fight that DUI, because a DUI can have lasting consequences. It could affect your school loans, scholarships, work, career prospects and more. If you...
Can you record your roommate in Georgia without their consent?
There’s no nice way to say it: Your roommate is a nightmare. They steal your food, use your shampoo, “borrow” your stuff without asking and refuse to clean up after themselves. Worse, when confronted with the issues, they lie and claim that someone else in your dorm...
States with the biggest party schools: Where does Georgia rank?
College is a time for learning, forming the basis of a future career, meeting new people and discovering yourself. For many students, though, it’s also a time to socialize and attend parties, gatherings and events. As a parent, you know that your young student may be...
Georgia college students: You can defend against possession charges
College students face a lot of pressure as they work to improve their education. Sometimes, the pressure gets to be too much and may affect a person’s decision-making skills. Succumbing to the lure of study drugs (or others) is one bad decision that can impact your...
How to avoid losing your cool before you end up in trouble
You’re young, and you have a lot of passion about the events going on in the world right now, so it’s hard not to engage someone when they start spewing nonsense right to your face. Whether it’s that one guy in the dorms who thinks he knows everything or someone...