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College students: Do not share prescriptions

| May 5, 2020 | College Student Criminal Defense

For many, though the college experience is fun, it’s also financially challenging. Students work part-time, they pay incredible sums for tuition, and there just isn’t that much money to go around.

This is one reason that some students are tempted to share prescription medications. Say you have been having migraines. Your roommate has some painkillers in a bottle; you know because you share a bathroom and you’ve seen them in there. He or she doesn’t take them anymore, as they’re leftover pills from a doctor’s visit a few months ago.

Can you borrow them? Can your roommate let you use them so that you do not have to go to the doctor or sell some of the pills to you to take?

Even if your roommate just thinks they’re helping, they can’t share that medication with you. It’s illegal. Selling medication is as well, but don’t make the mistake of assuming that money has to change hands to make it illegal. Sharing, regardless of intention, is also illegal. It can lead to serious drug charges.

This is also a big issue with your age group. Those from 18 years old to 25 years old find themselves in this position the most often. In some cases, it’s related to drug misuse or abuse. In other cases, it’s just a misunderstanding by someone who was trying to help. Many people do not realize that the drugs are not theirs to do with as they wish just because they bought the medicine.

If you find yourself facing legal trouble after a mistake or an oversight with prescription drugs, you must know what defense options you have.

