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Is there a diversion program for college student drug charges?

On Behalf of | Feb 10, 2020 | College Student Criminal Defense

The state of Georgia has notoriously strict drug laws, which can affect the future of those arrested for drug offenses. Residents enrolled in one of the state’s universities are particularly at risk when facing college student drug charges. Some of the ways a conviction for drug-related offenses can impact college students include:

  • Inability to finish college
  • Financial hardships due to fines and other expenses
  • Damage to the student’s reputation
  • Loss of freedom if incarcerated
  • Inability to pay back student loans

In some cases involving students and drugs, it may be possible to find a solution to criminal charges that does not involve extremely harsh consequences. Drug treatment court is one such option. Many cities in Georgia offer such a program as an alternative to a conviction for alleged drug-related crimes.

Students may find relief by asking a lawyer for assistance. An attorney can help college students arrested on drug charges explore alternatives to keep them out of jail and in school. In fact, Carroll County offers a drug treatment court to many defendants as an alternative to a conviction. Those arrested for minor, non-violent drug crimes may qualify for the County’s Early Intervention Program, which typically means no conviction will occur.

Avoiding the harshest consequences associated with drug arrests can enable college students to put the past behind them so that they can continue reaching for a good life. If college student drug charges ever become an issue for you or a family member, it is wise to find out if you qualify for a diversion program as soon as possible. Your attorney can guide you through this process.
