Helping You Move Forward After An Accident Or Arrest

Carrollton Criminal Defense Lawyer Providing Help In DUI Cases

Carrollton DUI attorney Robert Duffee has represented a wide range of people charged with alcohol-related offenses such as DUI, DWI and MUI.

Whether you are a truck driver or a soccer mom, being charged with a DUI or DWI can be life-changing. There have been cases of people being charged with a DUI or DWI, even though there were unexamined errors in their breath tests.

Fighting The Evidence In DUI Cases

Breathalyzers measure alcohol levels by having people blow into a mouthpiece. An incorrectly elevated reading is possible for many reasons:

  • Menthol tobacco products
  • Mints, mouthwash or gum
  • Denture adhesive
  • Use of an asthma inhaler
  • Blood in the mouth due to a fight or accident
  • Fever
  • The unit shares an electrical outlet with a microwave, radio or another device that may cause fluctuations in power.

You need a skilled lawyer to review the evidence against you. Contact Duffee Law Firm, LLC, immediately. Evidence is crucial to enforcing Georgia’s drunk driving laws. Attorney Robert Duffee has training in field sobriety testing (FST) and knows how to challenge an arresting officer’s alleged findings. Depending upon your circumstances, we may be able to negotiate with the state to get your criminal case reduced or dismissed.

Is It Legal To Refuse A Breathalyzer Or Sobriety Field Test In Georgia?

In Georgia, you can legally refuse a field sobriety test, but refusing a breathalyzer test after being arrested can have consequences. Under Georgia’s implied consent law, drivers who refuse a post-arrest breathalyzer test face an automatic license suspension for at least one year. This refusal can also be used as evidence against you in court. It’s important to understand the implications before making such a decision.

What Is Georgia’s Legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)?

Georgia’s legal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit is 0.08% for drivers aged 21 and over. For commercial drivers, the limit is lower at 0.04%, reflecting the need for increased safety standards. Drivers under 21 are subject to a “zero tolerance” policy, with a BAC limit of 0.02%. Exceeding these limits can result in DUI charges, leading to significant legal and personal consequences.

If I Am Charged With A DUI Or DWI In Georgia, Will I Lose My License?

If you have been charged with driving under the influence, the arresting officer will file paperwork to have your license suspended. If you take no action within 30 days from the date of arrest, your license will likely be suspended. The length of suspension can increase with subsequent offenses. It is very important that you consult our Carrollton criminal defense attorney as soon as possible so we can take steps to prevent or delay that. Even if your license is eventually suspended, we may be able to help you secure a limited or probationary permit.

Don’t Hesitate – Get A Free Carrollton DUI Lawyer Consultation

At Duffee Law Firm, LLC, we take DUI, DWI and MUI charges very seriously. Reach out to us at 770-884-6402 or use our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.
