Injured While Driving For Work?
Even though workers’ compensation is regulated by law in Georgia, you may not receive all of the compensation and benefits that you are due for your motor vehicle accident. The companies that provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage to employees are for-profit companies that want to maximize their earnings, and to do so, they often cut corners on claim benefits.
Get What You Need
If you file a workers’ compensation claim without legal representation, you are at risk of not getting what you need to recover, deal with disability and move on with your life. At Duffee Law Firm, LLC, we believe in your right to attain every benefit you are entitled to from being injured while driving for work. Our legal service includes personal injury law, so we can help you determine what approach is best for your case.
Benefit From Legal Protection
Without the protection of legal counsel, you may get taken advantage of by the company insuring your employer. This can happen in several ways, including:
- Getting put back to work too soon for your injuries to fully heal
- Receiving a job assignment that is inappropriate for your doctor’s activity orders
- Obtaining minimal compensation and benefits for a significant injury
Experienced Carrollton car accident attorney Robert Duffee can make sure that you do not accidentally leave any benefits on the table during the period of your claim.
Contact Us Today For Help
Duffee Law Firm, LLC in Carrollton is dedicated to helping victims of work injuries receive the support that the law mandates. Give us a call at 770-884-6402 today or email us to schedule a free initial appointment to discuss your case with a lawyer.